Walters Group Quality and Innovation Manager, Gareth Evans, took up the challenge to complete 100 miles in one month, to raise money for the charity Crohn's & Colitis UK, a charity which is very close to Gareth’s heart.
“I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, a treatable but uncurable disease. Although it is manageable, it can still have a big effect on day-to-day life. Crohn's & Colitis UK are a charity which have offered great support to me and other members of my family who also have the disease”.
Gareth completed his 100 miles around the South West and South Wales, discovering beautiful new places to run along the way:
“I’ve always been active and when the opportunity came to raise funds for Crohn's and Colitis UK, I jumped at it. I really tried to enjoy every mile!”
Congratulations on a fantastic achievement Gareth!
More information about Crohn’s & Colitis and the charity Chron’s and Colitis UK can be found at