Walters, Cycling for Charity: Taff Trail – Brecon to Cardiff
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On Saturday 18th October 2014 Walters joined Redrow Homes South Wales, cycling for charity the 55 mile Taff Trail from Brecon to Cardiff Bay in support of the charity LATCH.

Don Thomas (Walters Operations Manager) and Dai Thomas (Walters Project Manager, A465 Heads of the Valleys Dualling Section 3) jointly raised over £500 towards the team total of £1500 for LATCH. Many thanks to colleagues and the Walters supply chain for their support.

LATCH, a Welsh charity, was formed in 1982 by a group of families and friends who recognised that the children diagnosed with cancer or leukaemia and their families not only needed medical support, but also social and welfare support to ease the huge financial and emotional burden.

Through the rain Dai clocked an impressive time for the hilly course of 5 hours 45 mins.

Don took a more leisurely pace enjoying the scenery and communities along the route taking 6 hours 45 mins for the ride.

Walters are proud to support LATCH and other local and national charities and events throughout the year.

You can see the route they all followed here…

Power: MW
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