Cross Valley Link ‘ground breaking’ event by The Walters-Sisk JV Team
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Directors from The Walters-Sisk JV joined with the Leader of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Council (and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways), Andrew Morgan, for a sod cutting ceremony at the Mountain Ash Cross Valley Link site. The “ground breaking” event held on Tuesday 16th October marks the start of the construction phase of this major project and included an overview from the Walters-Sisk Project Team.

The multi-million pound Cross Valley Link will see a 60-metre road bridge built from Cwm Cynon Industrial Estate to Miskin Road, providing a vital new link for traffic travelling between the A4059 and B4275. The project is a long term-aspiration for the Rhondda Cynon Taf Council and residents and is due for completion in 2019/20. The new bridge spans the Aberdare ” Merthyr railway line and the Afon Cynon River.

Councillor Andrew Morgan, Leader of Rhondda Cynon Taf Council and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways, said: “I was pleased to visit the Mountain Ash Cross Valley Link site with the Council”s contractor Walters-Sisk on Tuesday, for the ground-breaking ceremony which has marked the start of the project”s construction phase.

“The Cross Valley Link scheme, which has been a long-term aspiration for local residents, is being delivered by this Council in 2019/20. The new road will link the A4059 and the B4275 and, once completed, it will provide a significant improvement to traffic flow at peak times ” not only in and around Mountain Ash, but right across the arterial route through the Cynon Valley.

“The project continues to make excellent progress, with the Council working closely with Walters-Sisk.

“With construction now officially underway, it represents another significant landmark for this exciting scheme. I”m looking forward to seeing even more progress made in the coming months, in order to make this project a reality.”

The Walters-Sisk Joint Venture were awarded the project in July 2017. This marked the start of a 6-month design period on this Design & Construct form of contract.

Nick Rolfe, Contracts Director from Walters commented “We are delighted that work has now started on the construction phase of this vital project for the local community and look forward to residents benefitting from the major improvements that will be derived from the Mountain Ash Cross Valley Link, as well as the wider benefits this scheme will bring to people travelling through the Cynon Valley”

At the ceremony were Kevin Llewellyn – Walters Director, Paul Brown Managing Director Sisk Civils, Stephen Bowcott Chief Executive Sisk, Andrew Morgan RCT Leader, Colin Chambers- Walters Managing Director, Nick Rolfe- Walters Contracts Director.

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