Walters-Sisk JV support local fundraising
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Walters-Sisk JV were approached by the Lee Garden Pool Committee to support the fundraising to help bring Winter Wonderland to the local community in Penrhiwceiber and we were delighted to be able to assist.

The Lee Gardens pool in Penrhiwceiber, near Mountain Ash, is a community paddling pool in the Valleys which will be transformed into a festive ice rink with the Christmas lights switch-on this Friday 22nd November.

It follows months of fundraising from the committee and will mean days of ice skating, Christmas tree lights and activities over the coming weekend for everyone in the local community to enjoy.

Through different events, the group  which recently celebrated having prolonged the life of the 1950s outdoor pool for a further two years  have raised more than £10,000 to stage the event.

Diane Locke, secretary of the Lee Garden Pool Committee group, said the response from the community has been amazing adding:  It is a marvellous achievement from the village to be able to do this. It’s not just people in the village itself, it’s those from others areas who have also helped.”

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