A new stretch of the A14 has finally opened to thousands of commuters each day. The 12-mile bypass, which runs between Swavesey and Ellington, to the south of Huntingdon in Cambridgeshire opened at 5.00am on Monday 9 December, a full year ahead of schedule.
The bypass is part of a £1.5 billion project to upgrade 21 miles of the A14 between Cambridge and Huntingdon, making it Britain’s biggest road upgrade.
Prior to the successful traffic switch Walters attended the opening ceremony where there was the official cutting of the ribbon. Walters were proud to be at the front leading the celebratory cavalcade with all the contractors and suppliers involved in the project.
Colin Chambers, Managing Director of Walters Group, said “The opening of the bypass was a vital part of the upgrade and was a key milestone for the project. Walters are extremely proud to have delivered all of the earthworks to all of the sections below budget and ahead of programme. It’s been a pleasure to work in such a collaborative environment with all of the partners involved in this billion pound project.
Work across the rest of the scheme is progressing well and on schedule to complete the remaining work between Swavesey and Milton by the end of 2020 as planned.
Highways England project director David Bray said: “Opening the Huntingdon Southern Bypass is a huge achievement in the delivery of this major road upgrade and I’d like to thank road users, residents and stakeholders for their patience and support during construction.”