Bridgend’s BAD Bikes gets a £10,000 funding boost from Pennant Walters
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BAD Bikes (Blackmill and District), which was established as a community initiative in 2004, regularly interacts with more than 120 children and young people from across the Ogmore Valley to provide them with youth work sessions, activities and issues-based workshops. Thanks to funding from Pennant Walters they will now be able to put on additional activities-based community art and display projects.

The ward of Blackmill is a disadvantaged area which is ranked in the top 10% most deprived areas in Wales, according to the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2014.

Andy McKay, Project Co-ordinator at BAD Bikes explains: “As an organisation we are trying our utmost to help more and more people locally, who, for one reason or another, are fighting to overcome issues and improve their lives. Through BAD Bikes, we are positively impacting the lives of talented youngsters, who just need a bit of help finding themselves and nurturing the talents that haven’t yet been uncovered.

“To receive this money is simply wonderful. Without support from companies like Pennant Walters and other fundraisers, we wouldn’t be able to support the growing needs of the disadvantaged youngsters living locally in the Ogmore Valley.”

Dale Hart, Managing Director of Pennant Walters said: “ We were happy to help  BAD Bikes who impressed us greatly with their dedication to the local community. We understand that this money will make a significant difference towards the running costs for the activities which will allow this charity to fund materials and resources to deliver sessions which aim to build long-term trusting relationships, explore issues and identify the needs of children and young people.”

The money from Pennant Walters was provided from a fund linked to the construction of the new Pant y Wal Wind Extension Farm adjacent to Ogwr Valley.

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