Brocastle Highways & Infrastructure Project
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Walters were awarded the Brocastle Highways and Infrastructure Project in Bridgend by the Welsh Government. At the start of the project Walters identified key stakeholders that would be affected by the activities that were planned. Brocastle Manor Care Home was one of the key stakeholders identified prior to the works commencing on-site, because part of the project scope was to construct two new access junctions which linked into the access road serving the Care Home.

At Walters, minimising the impact that our construction activities have on the local communities and businesses is at the forefront of our approach, and at Brocastle, this was no different. We engaged with all the key stakeholders before any construction works began on-site, to understand their particular needs and concerns, and to inform them of how our works might impact them and what we will do to minimise any such impact.

The works associated with creating the two new access junctions on the current access road to the Care Home greatly affected both the Care Home employees, those receiving critical health care and residential complex contained therein. Walters programmed the works in a sympathetic manner that avoided large sections of traffic management, minimised the duration of temporary traffic signals, and avoided working in the most disruptive and noise sensitive periods, without compromising project delivery.

Throughout the works, we were in constant liaison with the management of the Care Home and the residential complex, providing them with updates on programme and progress, with any feedback taken into consideration that ensured any concerns were dealt with in a timely manner.

Following construction of the two new junctions, we were required to overlay the existing access road to the Care Home with a fresh, new layer of asphalt surfacing was required as part of the works on the access road. Due to available residual road widths, the works had to done under a full road closure. This was not a suitable option for the Care Home as they needed access at all times. Working with the Care Home manager, and in consideration for the safety of the workforce undertaken the works, we agreed to do the works at night. We provided banks men at either end of the road to ensure that no unauthorised people gained access, whilst ensuring that emergency vehicles could have access if necessary. We closed the road after the employees had changed shifts and opening it again before the next shift change.

Wendy Ticehurst, the Manager at Brocastle Manor Care Home said:

‘I would like to commend these contractors for their diligence and politeness throughout this works.  The traffic lights were kept to a minimum and when they were busy working on the road, they never failed to move or disrupt the flow of traffic to and from the home.  They were respectful in working around our shift changes and worked through the night to re-surface the road which was greatly appreciated.  Disruption was kept to a minimum throughout and the area was always left in a clean and organised way.

During the course of the project works were disrupted due to the pandemic created by Covid-19. We temporarily closed the site to allow for safe systems to be introduced as per the Governments guidelines. This led to the works on the Care Home access road being suspended. To minimise disruption, before we suspended the works, we undertook some temporary works which enabled us to remove our traffic management of the access road.

As a thank you for their patience during the works Walters agreed to assist the Care Home with maintenance of their stone access road. The road was worn, rutted and littered with potholes. The area was a hazard for vehicles and residents who used the area. We agreed to regrade it for them and added fresh, new stone to create a suitable camber that would encourage better drainage and promote betterment going forward.

John McCarthy, the Surveyor at Brocastle Manor Care Home said:

‘Walters Civil Engineering have completed their works involving roadworks, drainage, services to the sites either side of the access road leading into Brocastle Manor. The works were carried out at very difficult times (Covid19) and they were carried out very successfully. Deadlines were kept. Their Site Manager, Owen Jones, kept me informed with their construction phase schedule and let me know when their works were going ahead so that I could keep the residents and staff informed. They had a traffic management system in place which took into account the need for access at all times for emergency vehicles the access road was kept very clean throughout their work.  They kept the traffic flowing whilst getting on with the construction works and their attention to Customer Service was excellent.’

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