Certificate of Excellence Award for Walters – Brocastle site
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Walters have been awarded a Certificate of Excellence from Considerate Constructors at the Brocastle Highway & Infrastructure Works site with a standard of performance that was considered to be excellent.

The award of a Certificate of Excellence indicates an overall high level of excellence, beyond statutory requirements, in consideration of the neighbours, the workforce and the environment.

Construction sites, companies and suppliers voluntarily register with the Scheme and agree to abide by the Code of Considerate Practice designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirements. The Considerate Constructors Scheme is concerned about any area of construction activity that may have a direct or indirect impact on the image of the industry as a whole.

Carl Jones, Walters commented : “I would like to thank all our team for their commitment and dedication which is required to achieve such excellent standards.”

The Site Report highlighted the challenging nature of the site in terms of excavation and how the Walters team conveyed a very positive impression. The report found that there had been excellent interaction with the local community and the neighbours including the local golf course who all had been kept informed of the progress and any upcoming disruptive works.

It was noted that Walters team demonstrated a clear commitment to reducing carbon offsetting during the works and that this was supported by green travel planning and a reduction in single use plastic packaging. The health and safety of the workforce and the public continued to be the highest priority and the purchase of a defibrillator was a further enhancement on the site. There were well- equipped welfare facilities to cater for the workforce and a good awareness of mental health issues.

The work at the Brocastle site in Bridgend is to prepare the site for employment space covering more than 70,000 sq m began in May and is scheduled to be completed by mid-2020. The construction work to prepare the site is being funded by £10m from Welsh Government including £6m of EU funding.

The site is allocated for development under Policy SP9 of the Bridgend Local Development Plan as a strategic employment site. The proposal is for business park development including offices, general industrial units and storage/distribution units and is estimated to provide employment opportunities for up to 3,000 people.

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