Colin Chambers, Walters Managing Director, raising vital funds for Velindre
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Colin Chambers, Walters Managing Director, has agreed to have all his hair shaved off to raise vital funds for Velindre Cancer Centre, which gives unbelievable care for patients and their families as well as being at the forefront of research. Following a recent conversation with a very close friend, who has recently started her first course of chemotherapy, and with Walters nominating Velindre Cancer Centre as their nominated charity, Colin felt that loosing his luscious locks would be in a very good cause! Please bear in mind it has taken Colin many a year to grow such a substantial and fine mane of hair!

Colin will be under the scissors on 30th of November at a barber in Stratford – we will be updating the link you can be assured !

Below is a link to Colin’s fundraising page:

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