Delivering The Spirit of Llynfi for Natural Resources Wales
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Walters have completed work to help create a new woodland on the site of the former Coegnant Colliery in the Upper Llynfi Valley. Walters were appointed to the project following a competitive tender process and delivered the works on behalf of Natural Resources Wales, funded by the Welsh Government Nature Fund.

The new name for the woodland “Coetir Ysbryd y Llynfi”, (The Spirit of Llynfi Woodland) was selected by local schoolchildren, councillors and Communities First representatives.

Walters work on the project involved preparing the site for woodland planting by the re-cultivation of 21 hectares of disused colliery spoil. The site was divided into 35 compartments and over 3km of silt fencing was installed to help protect environmentally sensitive receptors from sediments in surface water runoff and the work also involved carefully working around existing mature vegetation to be retained. The works were particularly challenging due to the large open work areas that had significant public interfaces and the steep, often loose embankments on which the large plant was working.

The project was delivered within 75% of the initial programme period and with zero accidents or environmental incidents.

Peter Cloke, Project Manager for Natural Resources Wales commented “Walters really engaged with NRW and the local community of the Upper Llynfi Valley to help us deliver the extensive groundworks needed for planting this new community woodland.

They undertook their work professionally within a tight deadline and with due consideration for the environmentally sensitive nature of the site. I would not hesitate in recommending Walters for work requiring a flexible contractor with significant resources whose staff are environmentally aware and who enjoy engaging with the local communities and stakeholders alike.”

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