Port Talbot Steelworks – Dilapidated tower demolition
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When Tata Steel UK discovered they had a problem with a partially-collapsed tower supporting an 8T motor at Port Talbot Steelworks, they called on the skill and experience of the Walters demolition team to assist them in making the tower safe on this technically challenging scheme.

Walters highly skilled demolition team studied historical drawings of the B1 tower structure (in conjunction with Tata”s appointed structural engineer) and devised a sequence of work which would allow safe deconstruction of the tower in a systematic, member-by-member fashion, working from the top down.

Working in a Gas Sensitive Zone, the team accessed the tower from scaffolding and carefully removed members to the pre-determined sequence, with the assistance of a crane supplied by Tata. The deconstruction sequence allowed the team to gain access to the 8T motor and remove this item early in the process, thereby removing significant weight from the ailing structure. In all, the team removed three storeys of the tower in a piecemeal fashion over a 4-week period.

The job was completed safely and without incident, allowing the steel-making process at Port Talbot to continue without interruption, leaving a very satisfied client.

Power: MW
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