Walters awarded Broadway Highway Improvements Scheme
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Walters have been awarded the Broadway Highway Improvements Scheme by the Council of Swansea.

The Broadway Junction has been identified as a key route in the west of Swansea, which experiences high levels of congestion throughout the day. The scheme proposes to replace the existing mini-roundabout configurations on A4216 Cockett Road and Vivian Road with new signalised junctions to improve the flow of traffic along these key routes.

Enhancements to the existing pedestrian footways to provide a shared use path provision and the introduction of controlled crossings are also proposed to encourage Active Travel and improve safety of non-motorised users at the junction.

Traffic engineers in the Council had estimated that waiting times at the junction could quadruple in future years if these changes were not implemented.

The scheme was awarded through the SEWH Framework and is expected to take 19wks to complete.

Why these changes are needed

It is proposed that the junction redesign will:

  • ease congestion
  • introduce active travel accessibility
  • increase capacity and safety
  • improve public transport journey time, reliability and efficiency
  • improve the pedestrian crossings (improving access to the college and those who walk to the local comprehensive school)
  • remove the complexity that exists with the closely spaced double roundabouts
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