Walters Light Up Cardiff
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Cardiff County Councils Concrete Column Replacement Contract has been awarded to Walters UK. This is the first contract to be awarded through the higher value Lot 10 of The South East Wales Highways Framework and requires the replacement of approximately 1500 concrete lighting columns throughout the city.

Cardiff Council Street Lighting department operate a system where street lighting is jointed directly to the existing LV electricity network running in the footway. This potentially high-risk work must be undertaken only by contractors that are accredited and approved under the Lloyd”s Register and subject to rigorous auditing and acceptance by Western Power Distribution as owners of the apparatus.

Walters formed a partnering style relationship with Wales” leading street lighting contractor ” Centregreat Limited ” to form a team that has unrivalled expertise and experience in this sector.

The columns are distributed throughout the City, mostly on major routes and high speed roads, and each involves unique challenges. There is also provision to install new super-efficient low energy LED lanterns along selected routes within the scheme.

An extensive traffic management programme has now been established that will ensure the work is completed safely and with minimum disruption to road users and pedestrians at each location.

The scheme is anticipated to run until March 2015.

Power: MW
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