Walters offer a Year in Industry 12 month placement
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Walters have offered a Year in Industry 12 month placement to Shupal Shrestha who is currently studying a Civil Engineering Master”s degree at Cardiff University. Year in Industry is a 12 month placement for undergraduates to gain practical knowledge in their chosen sector. During his time with Walters Shupal will gain valuable site experience working as a civil engineer before returning to University to qualify.

Nick Rolfe, Contracts Director, commented “We were delighted to offer Shupal a year long placement with Walters. The opportunity to obtain on site experience is invaluable and prepares graduates for exciting future career opportunities within civil engineering . Walters are proud to support this initiative with Cardiff University, Shupal’s course is highly regarded and Cardiff is recognised as one of the top Universities in this field. This is Shupal’s second period of employment with us. He made an impression on the whole team when he was with us on work placement in 2018 when he assisted our engineering team on the Pwll-y-Pant roundabout project and we are happy to support him on his career journey.

Shupal told us “From my time spent with Walters last year I was able to apply the skills and knowledge I learnt into a classroom environment and this practical experience helped me better understand the relevant topics and successfully complete my second year. I am very excited about being with the company for a full 12 months as I am confident it will provide me with an unparalleled professional career enhancing experience”.

Graduates who have undertaken industrial experience are more likely to gain graduate employment on completion of their studies. Walters offer regular placements and work experience opportunities and are keen to support future generations in all aspects of civil engineering. We recognise the mutual benefits to be gained by giving students the chance to learn within a working environment before they graduate and begin their full-time careers. After graduating many students secure their first full-time employment as a result of their performance during a sandwich course or year in industry.

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