Walters – Value Creators
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Growing Our Businesses Together was the theme for the 2016 Costain Supply Chain Conference recently attended by Walters Managing Director, Nick Richards.

The conference was held at the Crystal building in London”s Docklands and brought together 200 members of Costain”s supply chain and the Costain senior management team, Main Board and Executive Board members.

The event was hosted by David Taylor, Costain Group Commercial Director who, in his opening address, highlighted safe working, collaboration and innovation as key ingredients in growing our businesses together.

During the day a variety of speakers provided an insight into the ingredients for success. Costain Chief Executive Andrew Wyllie gave a presentation on the Group”s progress and future strategy. There were also some excellent case studies from the supply chain itself as well as a presentation from Gary Wright, an external expert in client procurement.

In addition, the event recognised high performance by supply chain members and Richard Howell, Group Head of Supply Chain and Dan Rennison, Group Head of Design Management, handed out awards to five key suppliers including Walters UK who received a special award for “providing exceptional levels of Value Creation.

The accompanying picture shows David Taylor, Costain Group Commercial Director presenting the award to Walters Managing Director Nick Richards who commented, “Walters are proud to have been Costain”s strategic earthworks partner for over 15 years and this award is a welcome recognition of the real value that close collaboration between partners can bring”.

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