Walters win landfill capping works in the capital!
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Walters have been appointed to undertake the £2m Lamby Way Capping (Phase 4) works by the City of Cardiff Council. For years the site of a general refuse landfill depot, the remediation works will involve importing and placing of a clean capping layer over a geosynthetic membrane. The resulting environment should represent a new and valuable green space close to the city centre, which will eventually provide for both public and commercial re-use.

In a process very similar to the one successfully implemented at other landfill schemes, Walters will use their extensive knowledge and experience of capping and subsequent management of landfill and post-industrial sites. As the site is also adjacent to the River Rumney, rainwater run-off and site drainage mitigation features will be incorporated to further protect the environment. General landfill can also produce considerable methane as a by-product of decomposition, the scheme will seek to manage this through various permeable barrier layers and subsequent capture.

Throughout the extensive remediation works, all factors of potential disruption to the area will be considered, minimised and carefully managed, these include unpleasant odours (almost inevitable where so much decomposition has occurred), excessive dust, noise and extra traffic. All of these elements have been effectively delivered (with minimum local disturbance) at previous capping and re-use projects. In fact Walters credentials in this highly specialised area are probably unmatched.

The project was awarded to Walters following a competitive tender procedure, assessed on a 30% quality, 70% price basis (for which Walters scored 100%!). The council were evidently very impressed with the submission, as this quote from Thomas Brungert (City Operations, City of Cardiff Council) shows

The submitted tender document was possibly the best tender in regards to structuring and readability I have read so far. The information provided in it was concise and went well beyond the standard information that”s normally provided. It provided an in-depth view into how the work is envisaged to be managed and carried out and instilled confidence in the competency of the workforce involved in this contract. In my opinion this is an excellent example of how to successfully compile a tender document.”

Our congratulations to Nick Rolfe and his team for securing the project.

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