Mynydd Bwllfa wind farm construction
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Situated high on a mountainside where the Neath and Dare valleys begin in what was the South Wales Coalfield, Mynydd Bwllfa was originally proposed as a 12 mast development, later amended to its current size after consultation with the relevant statutory authorities. With some access off an existing road, the site presented fewer issues than other more remote developments, but still presented significant ecological and environmental challenges, situated as it is in a mix of mature conifer and typical upland peat subsoil.


Having secured the required consents from all relevant bodies, we began creating the roads infrastructure to support the development. Mixed forestry and peat marsh presented its own unique issues of ground stability, but with our modelling and geodynamic expertise, we were able to create stable roads and crane platform to hoist the masts in place. Getting the masts to site safely required significant liaison with police and highways authorities, due to the unique location, accesses by a winding, steep mountain road. This was achieved with minimum local disruption to either traffic or the community. The heavy haulage plant used to transport the huge blades for the turbines was unsurprisingly supplied by Walters Plant.

Today it supplies enough renewable energy to the grid to power some 15,000 homes