Severn Tunnel Junction Car Park
Monmouthshire County Council
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At a Glance:
  • Construction of a high-quality car parking facility enabling Monmouthshire County Council to deliver their vision of making Severn Tunnel Junction a park and ride hub.
  • Footpath access provided from the new car park to the station entrance, offering safe access for station park and ride users.
  • Installation of sustainable drainage solutions to minimise impact on the surrounding drainage infrastructure by using permeable paving and specialist aggregates, resulting in reduced flood risk.
  • Installation of electric vehicle charging points.
  • Assisting the client with investigatory works for follow on projects in the local area.
  • Provision of improved access to Rogiet Countryside Park for local residents.


Project Outline:

Severn Tunnel Junction station is used by approximately 230,000 passengers a year. It was identified as a suitable location to become a rail-based Park and Ride hub, allowing users to easily arrive by car, bus, bike or on foot, to access rail services across the region. To facilitate this, Monmouthshire County Council and Amey Consulting appointed Walters to construct a 172-bay car park on land to the south of the existing Severn Tunnel Junction rail station in Rogiet.

Project Delivery:

The scheme comprised 3 distinct areas of operation: main car park approach, road widening and footway work, as well as improvements to Rogiet Countryside Park access.

Within the main car park, over 10,000 tonnes of earth had to be moved to form the required profile followed by the installation of sustainable drainage systems - including rain gardens with tree planting and permeable paving - kerbing, surfacing and EV charging facilities.

Due to the close proximity of the construction works to the railway, it was necessary for the Walters management team to administer stringent controls to ensure the safety of its personnel and the travelling public. Walters arranged for Network Rail to provide a supervisor for all work within 6m of the railway.

Added Value and Client Partnerships:

Walters ensured regular updates via letter drops and contact information for the site management team was made available to residents and the local schoolto ensure swift addressing of any queries or issues.

The Walters management team were able to offer practical, cost effective and reliable solutions throughout the scheme, whilst working closely with the Amey onsite representatives.  During the works, Walters were able to accommodate additional onsite geotechnical investigation works which were key to the design of a future phase of work to extend the already installed pedestrian bridge over the railway. Completing these investigative works during the car park construction phase offered many benefits to the client and prevented the need for future disturbance to completed areas which may have led to maintenance issues in the future.

During the footpath construction works Walters utilised recycled materials, offering environmental benefits without affecting the quality of the finished product.

The project was completed on time and to budget with positive feedback from the client project management team stating, “Walters pulled it out of the bag and the finished product is first class.”